92 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?”

  1. Is it ever nice to have a representative that actually cares about people like me.  Tom Feeney was the epitamy of what was wrong with D.C.  A complete and total right-wing party hack.  Now I have Suzanne Kosmas representing me.  “Yay” on the Fair Pay Bills, S-CHIP expansion and probably almost all other major Obama legislation.  The polar opposite of how Feeney would have voted.  I’m going to do everything I can in the next two years to help her get re-elected.  If she were a bit younger she’d make a fine Senator.

  2. NY-03: Peter King is leaving the district to run statewide. It’s a Republican district, but we can win it with the right candidate. This race will be comparable to the 2008 races in NY-13 and NJ-07, it comes down to which side has the better candidate.

    NJ-07: This one is worth trying again, with a better candidate. The eastern part of the district is where most of the population is, and it’s the most liberal part of the district. A Dem from the eastern part (ie. mayor or legislator from Woodbridge) could make this a race.

    NJ-05: The Republicans in this district don’t like Garrett, but they don’t want someone from Bergen County to represent them. A Dem from Sussex County could make this a good race.

    NJ-02: It’s a heavily Dem district and the Republican keeps getting reelected because we haven’t run a top-tier challenger against him. State Senator Jeff Van Drew (D) has been groomed as the next Congressman from this district. NJ state elections are on odd-number years, so he would have nothing to lose by entering the race. If it encourages LoBiondo to retire that would be even better.

    DE-AL: Mike Castle is getting a high-profile challenger for the first time in many years. Maybe this will encourage him to retire. At worst it will force him to move further left and support Obama’s policies.

  3. id-1st: itll be fun to see who the throw up against rep. minnick. hes an old school conservative dem who’ll b number 1 on the gop hit list. im just wondering if theyll end up puttin a sali-esque nut bag in or an actual by the book conservtive

    nh 1st/2nd: should either (or both) of the congresspeople decide to run against sen. gregg, the dems now got some pretty deep benches in the granite state. id love to see portsmouth mayor marchand run in the second and state sen debbie reynolds in the 1st

    ca-44th: w a little funding, hendrick will b 2010’s larry kissell

    la-2nd: itll b fun too see who comes out alive from what, in my predictions, will become a fairly nasty fight to challenge rep. cao

    fl-18th/21st/25th: when will we finally get rid of these three… honestly

    ak-al/gov/sen: this is my prediction for the last frontier state- palin re-elected as governor, though with a vastly less percentage then in 06. murkowski goes basically unopposed and wins in a landslide. young finally gets kicked out, though through a primary not to berkowitz or croft as id like, prob this cycle. palin sits on her laurels and dosent run in 2012, letting someone like barbour/pawlenty/romney/huckabee take their shot at pres obamarama. she challenges begich in 2014 and, much to my chagrin, prob wins. runs in 16 against a sen. warner/sen. giffords ticket

    de-al: itd be fun too see, if rep. castle dosent retire, how bloody a castle/carney match up will get. been a long time since delaware had one of those

  4. Toomey sez he won’t challenge Specter again.  Unfortunate news for the Senate race, but Specter is entirely beatable all on his own, and will assuredly face a high-profile Democratic candidate.

    The good news is, Toomey decided against this because he is interested in running for governor instead.  If he gets in, he likely wins the primary and guarantees us another four years of a Dem governor, giving us another advantage in redistricting (although the last GOP map turned out pretty nicely if you ask me).

  5. When asked by Jon Kyl why he wasn’t including more Republican ideas in his stimulus plan, Obama zinged him with two words: “I won.” So nice to have a president who can express his point clearly in two words as opposed to one who speaks gibberish.

    BTW, what kind of pizza are we talking about? Me, I prefer margherita pizza (tomatoes w/basil and olive oil).

  6. 254 – 43.75  Bright, Bobby (D) (AL-02)  

    257 – 31.25  Minnick, Walt  (D)  (ID-01)

    285 – 12.50  Cao, Joseph  (R)  (LA-2)  

    Two Republicans are ahead of Minnick so far this congress, but he is also tied with 9 Republicans this session.  Just thought I’d point out our three that are fun to watch.  Cao is more conservative than Castle.  At this rate I don’t see him surviving.  

  7. Yeah, I know everyone’s voted already. But Norm Coleman is seriously getting on my nerves with this lawsuit of his. On a post found on My DD, apparently Norm’s already accepted another job at the Republican Jewish Coalition, which really grinds my gears. If you’ve already got another job while trying to keep your old one, you’re not helping the people you were representing, you’re disenfranchising them by denying them a senator.

    Could the only way to end this would be to have Coleman kidnapped and tortured by Jack Bauer until he gives up? Or let’s have Bret Hart put him in the Sharpshooter until he says he’ll concede the race.

  8. So little has been done to secure these seats (NY, CO, IL, DE) with senators who would use their appointments to romp home in 2010. I wish pro-dem blogs had started campaigning for this.

  9. Several races here of interest.

    Of course, the obvious one of the 6th district and the governor’s race, but there are several others.

    With Allyson Schwartz running for the senate, who will succeed her?  Can we curb Torsella’s ambitions to a mere congressional district, at least for now?

    The 15th district: How about finally taking out Dent?

    I know some here have stated that Tim Murphy is virtually unbeatable, but the right candidate could still do so.  Tim’s got to have an Altmire of his own.

    Of course, the several state senate races to watch and see who we have running (I fully expect Andgarden to keep us up to date on that), particularly against Brubaker, Erickson, Greenleaf (especially!), McIlhinney, Rafferty, Tomlinson, and Wonderling.  Seven of theirs up in the Philly suburbs alone!

    Of the others, Pat Browne and Lisa Baker are two of theirs in good areas.

    I hope we are able to make serious inroads in the state senate this time.  It is about time that we do.

    I also just want that little heel clicker, Jane Orie, gone.  I don’t care who we run, and I’ll donate to them.

    Lastly, the 16th district. Obama barely lost that district!  

    There are people here who know the district well, as I only can tell you where various shopping centres are.  And the fact that there is more to the Amish presence in the area than Dutch Wonderland and oddly named motels like Amish Lanterns.

    To those local experts at SSP I ask, any chance we have a good candidate for 2010, or were Obama’s numbers just a display of how good Obama was?  

    Shutting down Gitmo!  It doesn’t get better than that!

    I love hearing that!

  10. It will be interesting to see which Bluish House districts with GOP incumbents become open.

    CA-45 – Bono Mack to live in Florida with 3rd Hubby Rep Mack?

    DE-AL – Castle health not great.

    FL-10 – Young will be 79 in 2010.

    IL-06 – Roskam to run for Senate?

    IL-10 – Kirk to run for Senate?

    IL-13 – Biggert will be 73 in 2010.

    IA-04 – Latham to run for Senate/Governor?

    NV-02 – Heller to run for Governor/Senate?

    NY-03 – King to run for Senate?

    NY-23 – McHugh to retire?

    OH-12 – Tiberi to retire?

    PA-06 – Gerlach to run for Governor?

    VA-10 – Wolf will be 71 in 2010.

    Any others?

  11. With Gillibrand’s seat most likely going back to the Republicans, it’d be nice to cancel out that loss. King’s signaled that he’ll run statewide in 2010. Who do we have in that district that could pick this seat off from Republican domination?

  12. I am still shaking my head in puzzlement that a twit* like Michele Bachmann could get re-elected, and am very interested in a strong challenge to get her out in 2010.  Anyone know if anything is brewing?

    * twit: It’s not just her stated desire to investigate whether members of the US Senate are “anti-American”.  In her 2006 campaign (which she also won) she stated that global warming doesn’t exist – not that people don’t cause it, but that it’s not happening at all.  And to top that, she explained her vote for intervention in the Terry Schiavo case by saying, “she was a healthy woman”.  At a public event!  Yet somehow she still gets elected.

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